#52: Rich Roll - Catching Up with a Plant-Strong Friend
Rip with Rich Roll
This is a special episode because, instead of looking forward, we actually take a look back and shine the light on the heart of a true hero, Rich Roll.
Rich and I both abandoned our steady and stable “normal” careers about 10 years ago to release books and venture into uncharted career territories that didn’t even really exist at the time. We both had young families and, let me tell you, it was scary.
BUT, when you believe in something so much and when you’re being pulled so strongly into a direction that resonates with your whole being, you have to act...and fortunately, we both did.
This interview was recorded last Fall so, while you won’t hear any dialogue around the current issues we’re all facing, you will hear a thoughtful conversation on fear, vulnerability, suffering, epiphanies in life, learning to give and receive love, meditation, and the bravery it takes to shed our old skin and start over.
So even though we look back this week, as you’re listening to both of us reminisce, ask yourself:
Are there changes in my own life that I want to make?
Is there a cause I believe in so much that I’m willing to give up virtually everything?
What are my own fears that might be prohibiting me from going after these goals?
How can I get out of my comfort zone?
I hope that you, like Rich and myself, recognize and act on those unique moments in your life - those epiphanies - that can ultimately alter the course of your life for the better.
Episode Resources:
Support for this week's episode comes from Wild Earth Dog Food. Visit the episode page at plantstrongpodcast.com to claim their offer of up to 50% your purchase.
The NutraMilk - Make Alternative Milks and Butters in Minutes Use code: PLANTSTRONG for $50 off
Engine 2 Meal Planner Use code: HEALTHNOW for $20 off yearly membership
A graduate of Stanford University and Cornell Law School, Rich is a 53-year old, accomplished vegan ultra-endurance athlete and former entertainment attorney turned full-time wellness & plant-based nutrition advocate, popular public speaker, husband, father of 4 and inspiration to people worldwide as a transformative example of courageous and healthy living. To learn more, visit RichRoll.com.
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